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What is "%BAC"?

“%BAC" stands for “percent Blood Alcohol Concentration" or “percent Blood Alcohol Content".

What is the %BAC limit for driving?

For Singapore the legislation and Penalties are as follows;


  • If the driver is found with more than the legal limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millitres of breath (simply measured in BrAC at 0.35mg/l)
  • or more than 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millitres of blood (simply measured in %BAC at 0.08%)
  • he/she is deemed to have broken the law and it does not matter whether the driver has perfect control of the vehicle, when caught.
    • Even when the alcohol level is under the legal limit, the driver can still be convicted if it is shown that he/she did not have proper control of the vehicle as a result of alcoholic intoxication.


  • 1st Time – Drink driver will be fined between $1000/- and $5000/- or six months imprisonment.
  • 2nd Time – Drink driver will be fined between $3000/- and $10,000/- fine or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.
  • Repeated Time – Drink Driver will face enhanced punishment up to 3 times the penalty, a maximum of $30,000/- fine and three years’ imprisonment.
  • Offenders causing death or serious injuries can also be caned up to 6 strokes.
  • All those convicted will be disqualified from driving for at least 1 year, even if they have not caused any traffic accidents.

Can I drive if my breathalyzer shows me a %BAC reading under the limit?

Breathalyzers are for informational purposes only. We do not recommend driving after consuming ANY amount of alcohol. It has been medically shown that there is a greatly increased risk even when driving with a %BAC of 0.05% or lower. There is NO “safe" amount of alcohol to drink before driving.

Do I need training to use a breathalyzer?

If you are using a breathalyzer for personal use, you do not need any training. If you are using a breathalyzer for workplace, we can arrange for training class.


Why is my breathalyzer showing a positive reading for alcohol, even though I've had nothing to drink?

Please wait at least 20 minutes after eating, drinking or smoking before performing a breath alcohol test.

If you have owned your device for at least 6 months and/or have performed between 200-300 tests on the device, it may be in needs of re-calibration or changing of the sensor module.

Remember that a breathalyzer analyzes the alcohol concentration in your lungs. If you have alcohol in your mouth, test results may be dramatically affected. Common household products like mouthwash or breath spray often contain alcohol that may cause a high reading on a breathalyzer.

*Note: In some cases, diabetics that are untreated for their condition, as well as some individuals on special diets, may exhibit elevated levels of ketones and/or acetones on their breath. High concentrations of ketones and acetones may induce a false positive in breathalyzers.

What does the DOT and the FDA have to do with breathalyzers?

  • DOT/NHTSA Approval
    The US DOT (Department of Transportation) regulates the rules and guidelines that oversee all vehicles that travel throughout the country. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) ensures that roads and highways are safe to drive on. Together, these two agencies test the accuracy and reliability of many related devices, including breathalyzers (in the prevention of alcohol-related vehicle accidents). Our main products have all been approved as accurate and reliable by the DOT and NHTSA.
  • FDA 510(k) Certification
    The US FDA (Food & Drug Administration) oversees all food, drug and related products that are to be sold in the US. This includes “medical devices," the category into which breathalyzers, or breath alcohol testers, are placed. The FDA issues 510(k) certification to devices that meet the strict quality control standards for device presentation, function, use and instructions, as required by the FDA.

The Optimaz AL-2500P, AL6000, AL7000, AL9000, Mark X, Mercury, BAC-100 and BAC-300 are all having both DOT and FDA 510(k) certification.

What is "self-calibration"?

User “self-calibration" will not restore the sensor to precise values, but it may improve general sensor accuracy. The sensor is sensitive to temperature, humidity, and air quality and the sensor readings may be affected. Self-calibration does not reliably maintain accuracy over a long period.

What is "pre-calibrated sensor module"?

Alcohol breathalyzer are precision measuring device. As such it is recommended to be calibrated at least once every 12 months. The calibration of alcohol breathalyzer required set-up measuring and calibration device, with in depth knowledge of understanding and training. However, with advance technology, now it is possible even for user and owner of alcohol breathalyzer model AL6000 and AL7000 to calibrate their breathalyzer themselve. It is simply replacing the sensor module with a new pre-calibrated sensor module. Both models come with instruction for the replacement of the sensor module in the instruction sheet.